Sunday, September 19, 2010

No recent posts

I have not posted a thing in a long time. Did not mean for that to happen. I've been getting a project off my back that I hope will pay off a little bit. It is certain now that I will have to get into web dev stuff.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rose curves in matplotlib

I saw this and thought these would be neat to plot

Specifically because this image

Rose curves are just the polar equations of the sort
r = a * sin((n / d) * theta)

Where a (normally 1.0) determines length of petals, and n/d (normally d = 1) determine shape of petals as the equation is plotted across the domain of the sin call.

I thought it would be cool to write a python script that lets the user play with the numerator / denominator of the coefficient, and also the colors as hex triplets preceded by a hash mark, like #addfad or #00bd39 .

Here's all the code, blogger eats my indents so watch out folks

import os, sys, getopt
from matplotlib.pyplot import show, plot, savefig, box, xticks, yticks
from numpy import arange, cos, sin, pi
import time
import optparse

def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
parser.add_option("--color", dest = "color",
default = "#aaaaaa", type = "string",
help = "line color")

parser.add_option("--bgcolor", dest = "bgcolor",
default = "#444444", type = "string",
help = "background color, void if transparent")

parser.add_option("-t", dest = "trans",
action = "store_true",
help = "set transparent bg")

parser.add_option("-n", dest = "n",
default = 1, type = int,
help = "numerator of coefficient")

parser.add_option("-d", dest = "d",
default = 1, type = int,
help = "denominator of coefficient")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

color = options.color
bgcolor = options.bgcolor
trans = options.trans
n = options.n
d = options.d

mktime = time.time()
if not os.path.exists('roseout'):

outfile = 'roseout/' + str(n) + "_" + str(d) + "_" + str(mktime)

if n < 1:
n = 1
if d < 1:
d = 1

n = int(n)
d = int(d)

n = float(n)
d = float(d)

k = n / d
theta = arange(0.0, d * 2.0 * pi, 0.01)
r = sin(k * theta)

x = r * cos (theta)
y = r * sin (theta)

plot(x, y, color = color)
savefig(outfile + ".png", format="png", transparent = trans, facecolor=bgcolor)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You use it by saving it as 'rose' or whatever (chmod'ing it to 744 or anything that lets you execute it), changing to the directory and typing
./rose -n 9 -d 2 --color "#FFFFFF" --bgcolor "#000000"

changing the integers and hex triplets to your own preferences.

I had to manually convert polar coordinates to x,y using the plot() call, rather than pyplot's polar() call, because somehow polar() was only plotting part of my shape. I had some help from redditor 'desrosiers' with minor math stuff and my arange() calls.